How do I change the image for a product?

The following article explains how to change the image for a product. The product's thumbnail image and full sized image may be changed.

To change the image for a product, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the MIVA Merchant Admin section located at If this address does not work, you may need to use Older MIVA Merchant stores were configured with this address.
  2. Expand the Stores menu.
  3. Expand the Store name.
  4. Click Products from the menu.
  5. Click Edit for the selected product.
  6. Click Images from the top menu.
  7. Click Upload for either the thumbnail image or full-sized image.
  8. Click Browse and navigate to the image on your local machine. If you are replacing an existing image check Overwrite.
  9. Click Upload.
  10. Repeat steps 7 - 9 if you wish to replace the other image.
  11. Click Update.

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