
How do I setup a MySQL database through the Control Panel?

Please note: This support article is a guide for our Linux users only.
The following article explains how to setup a MySQL database for a hosting account. This option is only available for accounts that have the MySQL database option included in their hosting package.

To add a MySQL database, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to
  2. Click on Control Panel Login.
  3. Log into the Control Panel as one of the following:
    • Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain
    • Technical Contact for the domain
  4. Click on Add a MySQL Database.
  5. Enter the appropriate information:
    • Desired Password: enter a password for your database
    • Confirm Password: re-enter the password for your database

  6. Click the Add MySQL Database button.
  7. When prompted to continue, click OK.

The server will then setup the MySQL database and display the necessary addresses and login information.

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