
What CFX Tags are available to me?

The following article contains a list of CFX tags pre-approved and available for use. These include:

  • CFX_Autoresize: uploads an image and resizes based on specified criteria
  • CFX_Check_Email: detects if an email address is properly formated
  • CFX_CyberCash: allows CF to interface with CyberCash payment gateway
  • CFX_fMakeTree: use CF to make an “explorer like” tree of your directories
  • CFX_getImage: allows you to insert and retrieve data from image-fields
  • CFX_Gfont: used to render serverside fonts into graphics
  • CFX_GIFGD: allows you read and manipulate GIF/JPG/PNG and BMP images
  • CFX_Image: allows for auto-resizing of images
  • CFX_ImageCR: performs various options on an image file
  • CFX_ImageInfoSE: returns the dimensions for images
  • CFX_IMGInfo: returns image height, width, and compression type
  • CFX_JpegResize: allows auto-resizing specifically for jpegs
  • CFX_JPG: reads in an image file and outputs another in jpg format
  • CFX_Spell: allows you to provide server-side spell checking capabilities
  • CFX_LinkAPI: use CF to interface with the LinkPoint ecommerce gateway
  • CFX_Lookup: use CF for searching
  • CFX_Make_Tree: allows you to structure nested data
  • CFX_PayFlowPro: use CF to interface with the payflowpro ecommerce gateway
  • CFX_Soap: is a free and open source simple SOAP client for ColdFusion
  • CFX_XMLParser: takes an XML document and returns a ColdFusion structure
  • CFX_Zip: is a full featured ZIP file management tag

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